Custom Plan Application Form

Fill out the form below to apply for a custom plan

Your Label / Artist

Social Media Links (Atleast 1 is required)

If you don't have any social media accounts, please explain it in the Other Information Field.

Label / Artist Address

Personal Information

Your Content

Successful tracks or videos

Please provide links to any high performing content on YouTube, Spotify, Social Media etc

Forthcoming content

Please provide links for at least 2 full releases or 3 finished tracks, which haven't previously been distributed. Ideally provide streaming links to the tracks, such as private Soundcloud links. We cannot approve your application if you do not provide any example tracks.

Successful Artists (Optional)

(Optional) Please provide links to the pages for your most successful artists

Your Label / Artist plans

Promotion is a huge part of running a Label / Artist, so how will you get yours noticed? This is one of the most important parts of your application. Please be as thorough as possible, and do not just list social media services and online stores.

Additional Information

Do you want to share any other details? (Optional)

Previously Managed Label