Privacy Policy

Updated on : 2024-08-17

Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 2024

At Distromotion, we take your privacy seriously and strive to ensure that your personal information is handled with care and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, process and share the personal information provided by you through our Website (the “Website”).

Please, read the following carefully this Policy to understand our views and practices regarding personal data and how we process it.


1.Data Controller. 2

2.Purposes of the processing and legal grounds. 2

3.Duration. 3

4.Recipients. 3

5.How we transfer Personal Data internationally. 3

6.Your rights under GDPR. 4

7.Security. 5

8.Cookies. 5

9.Modification of the Privacy Policy. 5

10.Applicable law and jurisdiction. 6

1. Data Controller

A data controller determines the purposes for which and the means by which your personal data is processed. With regard to the processing of personal data carried out within this website, The data controller is VS GLOBAL LEADERS FACTORY S.L.U., with CIF B67518381, having its registered office at C/ Enric Morera 5, Bx. 08902 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, email [email protected] (“VS GLOBAL”, “we”, “us” or “our”).

2. Purposes of the processing and legal grounds

We will collect, use and share your data for the following purposes:

2.1. To set up an account for you in Distromotion and provide our Service.

When you request to sign up in Distromotion, you will be required to provide personal information to set up your account, verify your identity and enable you to access to our Platform.

Some fields of the sign-up process are mandatory, as we need that data to set up your account at Distromotion and grant you access to our Services. If you choose not to provide some of this information, you may not be able to complete your registration as a user or you may not be able to enjoy our Services.

The legal basis for this processing of Personal Data is the performance of the contract entered into the parties, as described in our Terms and Conditions.

2.2. To provide you with the information that has requested to us through the webform “Contact Us”

This refers to the webform through which you can submit questions, doubts or queries related to our Services to us. The categories of personal data that we process for this purpose are full name, phone number, email and country provided by you when filling the webform. The legal basis for this processing of Personal Data is your freely given consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

VS GLOBAL will not use your personal data to create profiles or to make automated decisions based on them.

3. Duration

The data shall only be stored by VS GLOBAL for the time strictly required for each purpose of the processing and shall promptly be deleted straight afterward, without prejudice to the legal storage obligations provided for by the law. According to that:

– In the case where the legal ground is the performance of a contract entered into the parties, the Personal Data will be kept as long as the contractual relationship between the parties is maintained and, in any case, until legal liabilities are extinguished definitively (by the expiry of the statute-of-limitations period).

– In the case where the legal ground is the consent, the Personal Data provided will be kept as long as consent is not withdrawn or the data deletion is not requested by the user. Likewise, data will be kept according to the legal timeframe set forth in legal, fiscal and accounting matters, taking as reference the date of the withdrawn of the consent or the request for data deletion.

4. Recipients

VS GLOBAL may share your personal data with third-party service providers, among others, companies that provide e-mail and cloud services.

These service providers only have access to the personal data they need to perform these services. They are required to keep your personal data confidential and may not use it in any way other than as we have requested. VS GLOBAL has signed has a contract in place requiring them to keep your information confidential and not to use it other than in accordance with VS GLOBAL specific instructions.

Finally, your personal data will be at the disposal of the Public Administrations, Judges and Courts, for the attention of the possible responsibilities arise from the processing, as well as, to give the legally obliged collaboration.

5. How we transfer Personal Data internationally

Where we transfer your Personal Data outside the EEA/UK, we take appropriate safeguards to require that Personal Data remain protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This includes:

- Relying on EU- USA Data Privacy Framework and other adequacy decisions in relation to transferring personal to third parties in other jurisdictions that have been deemed by the European Commission or the Information Commissioner in the UK to provide an adequate level of protection for Personal Data;

- Entering into Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of Personal Data that have been approved by the European Commission of the UK’s Information Commissioner where appropriate.

6. Your rights under GDPR

You can exercise the following rights regarding the processing of Personal Data:

Access. You can ask us to tell you whether or not we are processing your Personal Data; if we are using it, we will provide you with additional information, including: what Personal Data we have about you, for what purpose we are using it, the entities with whom we share it, the period for which we will keep that data or whether we are profiling,among other issues.

Rectification. You can ask us to amend some of the Personal Data we hold about you to make it accurate and up to date.

Suppression. You can ask us to delete the Personal Data we hold about you (i) where it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we use it, (ii) when you withdraw your consent from us, in the event that we only process it for purposes based on your consent, or (iii) where a duly authorized person does so on your behalf in the event of your death.

Limitation. You can ask us to temporarily restrict the use of your Personal Data (i) where you believe your data is inaccurate, until we verify or update it; (ii) when we no longer need it to carry out the purposes indicated in this Policy but you prefer that we keep it so that you can exercise or defend against claims and (iii) when you object to us using your data for any of the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, while we assess whether the legitimate interest we have overrides your right to object to our use.

Portability. You can ask us to deliver directly to you or to another entity, where technically feasible, a structured, commonly used and machine-readable file containing the Personal Data related to the use of our application.

Opposition. You can object to us using your data for any purpose set out in this Privacy Policy. We would like to remind you in particular that you can ask us to stop analyzing your profile in order to send you promotional communications.

Withdrawal of consent. You can withdraw your consent to us collecting or using your Personal Data. You can do this if we are processing your Personal Data solely based on your consent.

You may exercise your rights by sending the appropriate request at VS GLOBAL at the following addresses:

  • VS GLOBAL LEADERS FACTORY SLU, C/ Enric Morera 5, Bx. 08902 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
  • [email protected]

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority. With respect to VS GLOBAL, the competent authority is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

7. Security

VS GLOBAL has adopted all the necessary technical and organizational measures to safeguard the security of your personal data, as required by current data protection regulations.

8. Cookies

We use our own and third-party cookies to optimize the Website as well as for other purposes. If you want to know more details about the cookies we use, their purpose and other information of interest, please visit our Cooky Policy.

9. Modification of the Privacy Policy

VS GLOBAL reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy, in accordance with its own criteria, motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

VS GLOBAL will inform you of these changes by publishing the amended Privacy Policy on its own website.

10. Applicable law and jurisdiction

All controversies and/or claims arising from the interpretation and/or execution of this privacy policy are governed by Spanishlawand shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Barcelona.