Cookies Policy

Updated on : 2024-08-17

Cookie Policy

Last update: May 2024

VS GLOBAL LEADERS FACTORY S.L.U., having its registered office at C/ Enric Morera 5, Bx. 08902 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (“VS GLOBAL”) uses cookies and other similar technologies ("Cookie/s") to store and retrieve information about users browsing the webpage ("Website").

This Cookie Policy is aimed to explain what Cookies are, how they are used on the Website, and how users can manage or disable them.


1. What are Cookies?. 1

2. How do we use Cookies?. 2

Necessary Cookies. 2

Personalization or Preference Cookies. 3

Advertising Cookies. 3

Analytical Cookies. 3

3. Do you transfer Cookie data to Partners outside the EEA?. 4

4. How to control and disable Cookies. 4

5. Changes to the Cookie policy. 4

1. What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored by your device when you access and browse websites. They can serve a variety of purposes, such as, for example, make websites work or function in an efficient way, recognizing information about browsing habits, or customizing the way content is displayed.

First party cookies are cookies set by the owner of the website you’re visiting. The owner of the website might decide to implement third-party services on the website: third-party service providers may set their own cookies to provide such services, known as third-party cookies.

Session Cookies are designed to collect and store data while you access the Website, so they disappear when you end your session. Persistent Cookies are designed to remain stored on user device for a period of time which can range from a few minutes to several years.

2. How do we use Cookies?

We use First-Party Cookies. These are Cookies set and controlled by VS GLOBAL. However, some of the Cookies used on the Website are set by third-party organizations. Third-party Cookies are outside of the control of VS GLOBAL.

There are many purposes for the use of Cookies. Depending on the purpose for which the information obtained through them is processed, Cookies used on this Website can be classified as follows:

Necessary Cookies

Necessary Cookies facilitate correct navigation through the Website and ensure that content loads efficiently, allowing for the correct use of different options or services that exist within it. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these Cookies, however, some parts of the Website will not work. Necessary Cookies do not store any personally identifiable information, which is why VS GLOBAL does not collect consent for their use.

CookieLifespanOwnerCountry of establishmentAppropriate safeguard under the GDPRPurpose

Personalization or Preference Cookies

Personalization or Preference Cookies allow to store user preference information such as, for example, the language, the appearance or content of the service or the region from which accesses the Website etc..

CookieLifespanOwnerCountry of establishmentAppropriate safeguard under the GDPRPurpose

Advertising Cookies

Advertising Cookies store information on user behavior obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on the same.

CookieLifespanOwnerCountry of establishmentAppropriate safeguard under the GDPRPurpose

Analytical Cookies

Analytical Cookies allow the tracking and analysis of user behavior, including the quantification of the impacts of advertisements. The information collected through this type of Cookies is used to measure the website activity in order to make improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by users.

CookieLifespanOwnerCountry of establishmentAppropriate safeguard under the GDPRPurpose

3. Do you transfer Cookie data to Partners outside the EEA?

When your Cookie data is transferred outside the EEA, we secure your information by undertaking appropriate safeguards under the GDPR as explained in the previous section of this Cookie Policy.

Some of our third-parties Cookies providers may be established outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). You can obtain information about the transfers to third countries made by third-parties Cookies providers in their corresponding policies (“Section 4. How to control and disable Cookies” below).

4. How to control and disable Cookies

You may, at any time, allow, block or delete the necessary cookie and delete your Cookie data from the browser installed on your device following these instructions:

Disabling Cookies does not prevent you from browsing the website, although the use of some of its services may be limited and, therefore, your browsing experience may be less satisfactory.

5. Data protection

Some Cookies may involve the processing of personal data, i.e., when the IP address or when unique identifiers are used to distinguish some users from others and to track them individually.

For more information about how VS GLOBAL collects, processes and shares any information related to you provided through this Website, please visit the Privacy Policy.

6. Changes to the Cookie policy

This Cookies Policy may be modified when required by the legislation in force at any time or when there is any variation in the type of Cookies used on the website.

Therefore, we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our website in order to be properly informed about how and why we use Cookies.