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How to Claim Your Beatport Artist Profile and Get Verified

Music Distribution

Having an artist profile on Beatport is essential for any EDM producer looking to get their music heard. A verified Beatport artist profile lets fans find your music, bookings, bio, and more in one easy place. It also helps you rank higher in search results and gives your EDM catalog a stamp of authenticity, ensuring your music on Beatport stands out. Fortunately, claiming your Beatport artist profile is free and simple to set up, making it an essential step for beatport for artists.

In this guide we’ll cover everything you need to get verified on Beatport as an artist or label.

What Are the Benefits of a Verified Beatport Artist Profile?

Here are some of the key advantages of having a claimed artist profile on Beatport:

  • Increased visibility - Verified profiles rank higher in Beatport search results so fans can find you more easily.
  • Centralized presence - Your Beatport page becomes a hub with links to all your social profiles, streaming platforms, and more.
  • Credibility - The verified check gives you an air of authenticity and professionalism as an artist.
  • Analytics - View fan insights and track your music’s performance with Beatport’s analytics.
  • Profile control - You can update your bio, artist picture, links, and catalog yourself, thanks to the beatport artist profile update feature.
  • Protection from fakes - Claiming your profile prevents others from making fake pages.

For these reasons, every EDM producer should take the time to claim their Beatport artist profile. The verification process only takes a few minutes. Simply log in with your beatport artist login and follow the steps below.

Step 1: Create a Free Beatport Account

To get started, you’ll first need to create a free Beatport account:

  1. Go to and click Sign Up in the top right to access your beatport account settings.
  2. Enter your email address and create a password, preparing for your beatport artist profile login.
  3. Check your email to confirm your Beatport account.

Once your account is activated, you can begin how to create a Beatport artist profile, a vital step for every artist looking to establish their presence on the platform.

Step 2: Search for Your Artist Name on Beatport

The next step is to search for your artist name on Beatport to see if you already have a profile:

  1. Click your profile icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Artists” from the menu.
  3. In the search bar, type your artist name. An existing profile with your beatport artist photo may appear.

If your artist name doesn’t bring up a profile, move ahead to creating your new page with your unique beatport artist url. But if another profile already exists, you’ll want to officially claim it on Beatport by following the steps below.

Step 3: Claim Your Existing Beatport Artist Profile

If your artist name shows up in Beatport’s search results, click on the profile to claim Beatport:

  1. Click “Claim Artist” on the right side of the page
  2. Enter your artist name, Beatport URL, and social profiles.
  3. Upload a 590x404px professional artist photograph.
  4. Check the box confirming it’s your artist profile, ensuring your beatport artist picture is accurately displayed.
  5. Click “Submit Request”.

The Beatport team will review your claim request and get back to you within a few days via email. Once approved, your profile will automatically get the verified checkmark.

Step 4: Create a New Beatport Artist Profile

If no artist profile existed already, you’ll need to create your new page using the beatport artist form:

  1. Click “Promote Your Artist Page” on the Artists page.
  2. Enter your artist name, image (preferably a professional artist photograph 590×404 jpg), bio, and social links.
  3. Check the box confirming you’re a professional artist.
  4. Click “Submit” and Beatport will review and add your artist page Beatport.

The approval process typically takes up to 5 business days. After approval, start updating your profile!

Step 5: Fill Out Your Bio, Links and Profile

Once your artist page is verified, it’s time to flesh out your profile to enhance your presence, especially for music being sold on Beatport:

  • Add your biography and make it detailed to connect with your audience.
  • List all social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Upload a professional quality profile picture 590x590px, crucial for branding.
  • Link to your Spotify for artists profile, website, and anywhere else you want to showcase your work.
  • Select at least 5 genres like house, techno, trance that match your sound.

A complete bio, links, and profile image will help fans get to know you and follow your journey as an artist, contributing to your success on platforms like Beatport and Spotify!

Step 6: Start Releasing Music and Move Up the Charts

Now for the best part - start releasing music and moving up the Beatport charts! Here are some tips:

  • Release EPs and singles through a distributor like DistroMotion, known for its music distribution services.
  • Upload high-quality WAV files to Beatport for best results.
  • Tag your genre, label catalog number, and more to stay updated with the latest Beatport update.
  • Promote your release heavily around the launch date.
  • Check the Charts page to see your track’s position.
  • Getting in the Top 10 can significantly boost sales!

With your verified artist profile and new music, you’ll start gaining fans on Beatport in no time.

Step 7: Update Your Profile as Your Career Grows

As your career progresses, keep your Beatport artist profile up-to-date:

  • Add new release info and upload cover art to enhance your music to Beatport presence.
  • Update your artist bio with the latest news and achievements.
  • Change your Beatport artist profile picture periodically.
  • Share new YouTube clips, mixes, and more.
  • List any upcoming tour dates you have booked.

Keeping things current helps keep fans engaged and gives your profile an active feeling.